Quetoo provides its own cross-platform BSP compilation tool called quemap. The compiler is based on the original Quake 2 tools, but in addition offers the following:
In addition to these things, the quemap source code is Valgrind clean. The stock tools are riddled with dangerous instructions and memory leaks.
Invoking the compiler is simple and straightforward. You should consider running it via a command prompt or shell rather than through GtkRadiant's build menu.
Standard full compile:
quemap -bsp -vis -light maps/my.map
Fast vis, extra light, two threads:
quemap -t 2 -bsp -vis -fast -light -extra maps/my.map
Materials file generation:
quemap -mat maps/my.map
Pakfile generation (produces map-my.pk3):
quemap -zip maps/my.map
Only entities, no light or vis:
quemap -bsp -onlyents maps/my.map